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Knowledge / Safety Measures / Watermarks / Kinds

Watermark Kinds: summary of the different intended styls of a watermark

With Watermark: postage stamp with intended style printed on paper with watermark

Without Watermark: postage stamp with intended style printed on paper without watermark. This will only be shown when the same postage stamp was also issued with watermark

Pair With Watermark And Without Watermark: pair with intended style only one postage stamp printed on paper with watermark

Official Watermark: postage stamp printed on paper with watermark ordered by a public postal administation

Private Watermark: postage stamp printed on paper with paper maker´s watermark

Single Watermark: sheet every postage stamp is showing a complete watermark picture

Multiple Watermark: watermark to be made up by plenty small elements which runs without interruption over all postage stamps and the margin of sheet

Margin Watermark: sheet with a water-
mark in the margin of sheet which did not reach the stamp fields

Vertical Watermark: common term for a postage stamp with intended style higher than wider watermark

Vertical Watermark: philatelic term for a postage stamp with intended style water-
mark reading from left to right

Horizontal Watermark: common term for a postage stamp with intended style wider than higher watermark

Horizontal Watermark: philatelic term for a postage stamp with intended style water-
mark reading from top to bottom or from bottom to top

Inverted Watermark: postage stamp with intended style printed on paper with 180 degrees rotated watermark

Diagonal Watermark: postage stamp with intended style with watermark from left bottom to right top or from left top to right bottom

Double Watermark: postage stamp with intended style two single watermarks because of her size

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